ACIM Step 294
A Course in Miracles Lesson 294 My body is a wholly neutral thing.
ACIM Step 293
A Course in Miracles Lesson 293 All fear is past and only love is here.
ACIM Step 292
A Course in Miracles Lesson 292 A happy outcome to all things is sure.
ACIM Step 291
A Course in Miracles Lesson 291 This is a day of stillness and of peace.
ACIM Step 290
A Course in Miracles Lesson 290 My present happiness is all I see.
ACIM Step 289
A Course in Miracles The past is over. It can touch me not.
ACIM Step 288
A Course in Miracles Lesson 288 Let me forget my brother's p ast today.
ACIM Step 287
A Course in Miracles Lesson 287 You are my goal, my Father. O nly You.
ACIM Step 286
A Course in Miracles Lesson 286 The hush of Heaven holds my heart t oday.
ACIM Step 285
A Course in Miracles My holiness shines bright and clear today.